Who We Are
is an informal and wide European Network of Experts in the Security domain that created an open forum connecting Academia (UNIV and RTO), Industry (SMEs and large), and End-Users.
enlisted 230 members from 119 organizations representing 24 countries (Member States or Associated). IMG-S participants have extensive experience in EU Security, with active participation in the Security Theme in H2020.
comprises seven vertical Technical Areas (TA), each addressing a specific security challenge; the Aerospace Security and Defence - Strategic Research and Technology (ASD- SRT), providing strategic orientation and advice on security and R&T priorities; and a Synthesis and Coordination Group (SCG), to orient, steer and produce integrated reports and holistic research priorities.
54 members from 40 organizations and 17 countries (RTO and Industry)
IMG-S TA6 members are experts active in CBRN-related projects:
PASR (Preparatory Action for Security Research) - 2004-2006
ESRP (European Security Research Programme) - 2007-2013
H2020 (Horizon 2020 - Secure Societies) - 2013-2020
ISF-P (Internal Security Fund - Police) as part of ISF - 2014-2020
IcSP (Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace) - 2014-2020
JIP-CBRN (Joint Investment Programme) - 2010-2020
NATO SPS (Science for Peace and Security)
- IMG-S TA6 members are active in CBRN-related EU policies & initiatives and regularly interact with:
- DG HOME (Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs)
- DG SANCO (Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety)
- DG DEVCO (Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development)
- JRC (Joint Research Centre)
- DG ECHO (Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations)
- DG MOVE (Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport)
- EEAS (European External Action Service)
- EDA (the European Defence Agency
- FRONTEX (European Border and Coast Guard Agency)
- ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)
- EUROPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation)
- CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training)
- EP (European Parliament)
- EP - Special Committee on Terrorism (TERR)
- EP - Sub Committee on Security and Defence (SEDE)
IMG-S TA6 members are active in CBRN-related INT policies & initiatives and regularly interact with:
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)
INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization - ICPO)
UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute)
and UN agencies relevant to CBRN-E
WCO (World Customs Organization)
- IMG-S TA6 members to be active in future CBRN-related projects:
- Horizon Europe - Civil Security for Society - 2021-2027
- EDF (European Defence Fund) - 2021-2027
An open and neutral platform bringing to each of its members a unique opportunity to:
INTERACT with legislators and decision-makers at the International, EU and national level
BE PART OF the platform federating the European CBRNe community
GROW your business network with other members of the Community
BOOST your market visibility
GAIN ACCESS to investments and funding opportunities at EU and national level
SHARE information and best practices with your counterparts
TAKE THE LEAD in proposing new initiatives and services to shape the European CBRNe Market
MEMBERS OF THE SCG (Synthesis Coordination Group)
Alexandre CUSTAUD
ISA - Intelligence & Science Applications
CBRNe Society Foundation
IMG-S Technical Areas
TA1 Surveillance and Identification
Surveillance for citizens, infrastructure protection, urban security, crisis management and identification management of people and assets. TA1 topics span across many domains of Security missions and technologies, thus representing a high priority for Europe.
TA2 Communications Systems
Innovative technologies and applicable cross-platform solutions for secure and critical communications. Its scope includes analysis of communications media, hardware, protocols, services and data efficiency meeting stringent requirements on security, privacy, reliability, availability and maintainability.
TA3 Ethics, Human Factors, Societal Impact
A cross-cutting area devoted to new concepts recently emerged - such as societal security and the notion of human security - that are integral to the European security philosophy. TA3 aims to inject into the technological and industrial matrix the main ethical, human rights, privacy and societal implications of security.
TA4 Resilience
Innovative and adaptive technology and societal solutions to strengthen recovery to man-made and natural disasters, addressing all ‘systems’ employed in Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery.
TA5 Information Processing and Management
At the core of human sense-making, dialogue, analysis, decision-making, design, government and any organised human activity today. TA5 aims at identifying, exploring and developing concepts, architectures, technologies and support for information infrastructures that will enhance information processing and management for security applications.
A group of European experts working in the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) fields. The group addresses the complete range of technologies, methods and procedures taken to provide effective Prevention, Resilience, Resistance, Reaction and Recovery concerning the CBRNE environment.
TA7 Cyber Security
Study and promote innovative technologies and applicable solutions for the cyber security domain, cyber crime fighting and cyber crime prevention.